Monday, January 16, 2012

Christmas Kitchen Angel

 "The heart that gives, gathers."

I learned this lesson at an early age. I still love giving gifts - especially useful ones.

During a pre-Christmas shopping trip, I was drawn to a textile angel made from a kitchen hand towel, washcloth and potholder. Inspiration struck. I envisioned a Nativity-themed Kitchen Angel for my Sunday School teachers and helpers. First, I sewed my own wares from monks cloth and Christmas calico.

As I pressed the creases and tied the towel, washcloth and potholder together with satin ribbon, a poetic verse came to mind. Using a length of pastel cardstock decorated with a Nativity sticker, I penned the verse onto a bookmarker as a blessing for each gift recipient. The result inspired me to mass-produce Christmas Kitchen Angels for family, friends and neighbors using kitchen sets purchased at an area dollar store. The gifts' success inspires me to share the idea here in the Sunday School Notebook.

May this kitchen angel bless you and yours too!

1 comment:

  1. Have you got directions on how this beautiful angel goes together please
